

Editorial Assessment

An editorial assessment is a great first step in the editing process. You will receive an editorial letter with overarching suggestions on how to improve your work, along with feedback on what works well. It doesn’t include line edits and costs less than the developmental and line editing stages.

Developmental and Line Edits

With a developmental edit, you will receive an editorial letter with overarching thoughts, as well as line edits via track changes and comments throughout. As the most extensive and comprehensive type of edit, this will polish your manuscript.

Query Letter Critique

A well-written query letter gives your book the best chance at getting agent representation. However, it requires a different skill set than writing a great novel, so I can help you put your book in the best light. How much info is too much? Do you have good comparison titles? I can help.

Sensitivity Reads

I am available for sensitivity reads for LGBTQIA+ characters and content. I will read the book, and make notes on areas that might be unintentionally insensitive or don’t feel authentic to the character.

Copyedit and Proofread

I can help put the final touches to your manuscript, whether it is correcting spelling, consistency, or punctuation. With a copyedit you will also receive a style sheet. I’m comfortable with both US and British style.


Each editing project is unique and requires a different amount of time to complete. Just as some books read faster than others, editing works the same way. To get a quote for your project, you will need to submit a sample, a schedule, and an exact word count. For example, for a developmental edit of a 100,000 word novel, the prices range from $3,700 to $4,400. An editorial assessment for the same book would range $2,600 to $3,300. Rush pricing is also available if needed.

Query letter critiques are $100 and include a few rounds of back and forth. If you would like line edits and notes on your first ten pages as well, it is $140.

If you prefer, all services can also be handled on Reedsy.

How It Works

After we discuss the details, and you decide to contract my services, I will draft up a contract for you to review and sign. Once that is signed, there will be a 50% non-refundable down payment, with the rest due after my edits are delivered. I accept payment through a variety of services.

Once I start editing, I’ll let you know that the file has arrived and then I’ll work on your book. I get in the mindset of a reader who won’t have access to you while reading the book so you probably won’t hear from me while I’m working. Then, your edits will be sent to you via email.

After that, you can ask me any questions you have about my edits, and we can schedule a phone or video call if you would like. Even if you have questions months down the line, I am happy to help! Of course, I love hearing updates from clients on their success.